Posted in Marijuana

Differences, benefits and side effects of CBD vs THC

There are various distinctive features associated with CBD vs THC. CBD similarly referred to as cannabidiol is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is consumed through edibles such as oil supplements, extracts, gummies, gel etc. THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is yet another psychoactive compound and the main in the cannabis plant responsible for the high sensation. It is consumed through smoking, tinctures, edibles, oils, capsules etc.

Differences between CBD vs THC.

Although CBD and THC are compounds working together they have completely different functions in the body. The following are the differences between CBD vs THC. CBD is not associated with the production of a high sensation. This is because it is a non-psychoactive compound which translates to having an inability to cause any effect. It blends very weakly with the cannabinoid 1 receptor and needs THC to be held together so it can counteract the effects of THC. THC is the component of Cannabis that is responsible for the heightened feeling. As a result, is it is referred to as a psychoactive compound. It combines strongly with the cannabinoid 1 receptor in the brain to produce a feeling of exhilaration.

Benefits of CBD vs THC

There are medical benefits associated with the consumption of the cannabis plant. As such CBD and THC are associated with some positive medical outcomes. CBD vs THC benefits can be categorised as follows. CBD is responsible for pain relief, reducing depression, lowering anxiety levels, helping with seizures, reducing swelling, helping with psychosis or mental disorders as well as reducing nausea. THC on the other hand helps with glaucoma treatment, reducing insomnia, dealing with low appetite, pain relief, decreasing anxiety levels and nausea among many more.

Side effects of CBD vs THC

According to how the cannabis plant has been consumed, there are certain side effects experienced as a result. CBD vs THC side effects can be grouped in the following manner. The major side effects of THC include uniformity problems, mouth dryness, red eyes increased heart rate reduced or slowed reaction at times, loss of memory and experiencing anxiety. CBD side effects on the other hand are associated with appetite changes, feelings of dizziness, diarrhoea, loss of weight fatigue among many more.In conclusion, CBD vs THC components is presumed to give better effects when they work together. From the above description, there is a clear indication that CBD and THC correlate to function properly in the body. However large amounts of consumption associated with CBD and THC is highly discouraged. It is also advised to seek professional help from qualified personnel to regulate CBD and THC consumption.