Posted in Mushroom


Many people are curious about the best ways to enjoy psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. Interestingly, shroom tea and honey are two popular consumption methods with distinct benefits and drawbacks. 

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This article will compare both options, guiding you through their pros and cons so you can make an informed choice for your needs. Discover which one suits your lifestyle better—let’s dive in! 

Key Takeaways 

  • Shroom tea provides a gradual and milder experience, while shroom honey can lead to quicker and more intense effects. 
  • Making shroom tea requires at least 30 minutes, perfect for those who enjoy the brewing process; in contrast, preparing shroom honey takes less time, suiting those who prefer convenience. 
  • Accurately measuring dosage is easier with shroom tea than with shroom honey due to varying psilocybin concentrations in honey batches. 
  • Starting doses for beginners are lower: about 1 to 2 grams of dried mushrooms for tea and half a teaspoon or less infused honey. 
  • Despite its convenience, there’s a higher risk of overconsumption and potential addiction with shroom honey because it’s harder to gauge how much you’re taking. 

The Pros and Cons of Shroom Tea 

Shroom tea is easy to make and has a longer preparation time, but the effects on the experience can vary. It also has a recommended dosage for consumption. 

Easy to make 

Creating your shroom tea is straightforward, requiring only vital ingredients: water, tea bags, and magic mushroom extract. You boil the mushrooms with your choice of herbal tea to enhance its natural remedies aspect and enjoy the mental relaxation it brings. 

The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity; there’s no need for any fancy equipment or advanced cooking skills. 

You can adjust the flavour according to personal preference by adding natural sweeteners like honey infusion or spices such as cinnamon. This home-brewed psychedelic tea offers immune-boosting properties along with its mind-expanding effects. 

Moving on from the ease of crafting this fungi-infused concoction, let’s consider how time may influence both preparation and experience with shroom beverages. 

Longer preparation time 

Shroom tea takes longer to prepare compared to shroom honey. Crafting this infusion involves steeping the dried mushrooms in hot water, which requires patience and time. Brewing shroom tea can take up to 30 minutes or more, making it impractical for those seeking a quick dose. 

Preparing shroom honey is far less time-consuming. Infusing the mushrooms into honey involves stirring and letting it sit – a much shorter process than making shroom tea. This makes shroom honey a more convenient option for individuals with busy schedules or those seeking immediate effects. 

Effects on experience 

Shroom tea provides a gradual onset of effects, often leading to a milder and more prolonged experience than shroom honey. Users report feeling relaxed and reflective, with enhanced sensory perception. 

On the other hand, shroom honey may lead to a quicker and more intense trip due to the concentrated form of consumption. This can result in a faster onset of hallucinogenic effects, potentially leading to a more overwhelming experience for some individuals. 

The slow release of psilocybin from shroom tea can provide users with a gentler and longer-lasting journey, while consuming shroom honey may lead to a quicker and stronger psychoactive impact that could be challenging for inexperienced or sensitive individuals. 

Recommended dosage 

For shroom tea, the recommended dosage is around 1 to 2 grams of dried mushrooms for beginners. More experienced users may consume up to 3.5 grams for a more substantial effect. It’s crucial to start with a low dose and gradually increase it if needed. 

When consuming shroom honey, the ideal dosage can vary depending on the potency of the infused honey. Beginners should start with a small amount, about half a teaspoon or less, while experienced users may opt for up to one or two teaspoons based on their tolerance level and desired effects. 

The Pros and Cons of Shroom Honey 

Shroom honey is easy to consume but may be challenging to measure dosage accurately, and there is a potential for addiction. To find out which option suits your needs better, read the full blog post. 

Easy to consume 

Shroom tea is straightforward to drink, requiring only a simple sip. The process of consuming shroom honey involves just a spoonful. Both options offer an uncomplicated way to enjoy the benefits of mushrooms without any complicated steps or equipment. 

Incorporating these mushroom-infused products into your daily routine can be effortlessly integrated and enjoyed in various ways. 

When considering which option may be more convenient for your lifestyle, weighing the ease of consumption when deciding between shroom tea and shroom honey is essential. 

Difficult to measure dosage 

Measuring the dosage of shroom honey can be challenging, as the psilocybin content may vary from batch to batch. Inconsistent potency risks consuming too much or too little, affecting the overall experience and potentially leading to unexpected effects. 

Users should exercise caution and start with small amounts to gauge their tolerance. 

Ensuring accurate dosing with shroom tea is more straightforward than with shroom honey. However, it still requires careful attention when brewing, as the amount of mushrooms used can impact potency. 

Potential for addiction 

Measuring the intake of shroom honey can be challenging, raising the potential for addiction. The concentrated nature of shroom honey makes it easier to consume large amounts without realizing it, leading to a higher risk of developing a dependency on its effects. 

Monitoring and regulating consumption is crucial in preventing addictive behaviours associated with mushroom-infused honey. 

Shroom extracts possess potent psychoactive properties that may lead to dependence when consumed excessively or without proper awareness. Understanding the risks and setting boundaries around usage is essential for individuals considering incorporating shroom products into their wellness routines. 


In conclusion, both options have advantages and drawbacks when comparing shroom tea and shroom honey. Shroom tea is easy to make but takes longer to prepare, while shroom honey is easy to consume but challenging to measure the dosage accurately. 

Each option has its unique effects on the overall experience. Understanding these differences can help individuals choose the best method for incorporating mushroom benefits into their health promotion routine. 

Posted in Mushroom


Many people grapple with mental health issues that resist traditional treatments. Psilocybin therapy, a groundbreaking investigational approach, could offer new hope for such challenging cases. 

This blog will explore how this emerging therapy might change the landscape of mental health treatment and its potential benefits Vancouver Mushrooms. Let’s dive into the world of psilocybin and discover its possibilities together. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Psilocybin therapy is an emerging treatment that uses a psychoactive compound from mushrooms to help with mental health issues, including depression and addiction. 
  • Studies have shown psilocybin therapy can reduce symptoms of major depression, assist in overcoming alcoholism and smoking, ease end-of-life anxiety, and possibly help those with anorexia. 
  • While promising, psilocybin therapy carries risks like anxiety or paranoia; it’s not suitable for people with psychosis or a family history of psychotic disorders. 
  • Current research supports psilocybin’s promise in controlled clinical settings, but further investigation is needed to confirm its safety and effectiveness. 
  • Psilocybin could become part of future mental health treatments for patients who don’t respond to traditional therapies. 

Understanding Psilocybin Therapy 

Psilocybin therapy involves the use of psychedelic substances to assist in psychotherapy, with a long history and growing body of research supporting its potential therapeutic benefits. 

Definition of psilocybin therapy 

Psilocybin therapy involves using the psychoactive compound found in certain mushrooms, known as psilocybin, as part of a structured treatment plan. This compound has been shown to alter consciousness and promote profound psychological experiences when taken under controlled conditions. 

Trained therapists guide individuals through these experiences to treat various mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. 

During a psilocybin-assisted therapy session, patients typically consume psilocybin in a safe and supportive setting while accompanied by professional supervision. The process allows for deep introspection and can facilitate personal growth and healing. 

As an investigational therapy currently under clinical trials, this approach is being researched extensively to determine its efficacy in patient care for those grappling with mental health challenges. 

History and research on psilocybin therapy 

Having explored the definition and understanding of psilocybin therapy, it’s crucial to delve into its history and research. Over the past few decades, studies have increasingly focused on the therapeutic potential of psilocybin for mental health treatment. 

Early research in the 1950s and 1960s suggested promising results, but interest waned due to legal restrictions. However, recent years have seen a resurgence of scientific inquiry into the efficacy of psilocybin-assisted therapy for conditions such as addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, and end-of-life distress. 

Current research on psilocybin therapy has demonstrated significant promise in treating various mental health conditions. Studies have shown that when used under controlled settings with professional supervision, psilocybin can lead to profound psychological insights and experiences that may positively impact long-term well-being. 

Potential Benefits and Safety of Psilocybin Therapy 

Psilocybin therapy may offer possible benefits in treating major depression, alcohol use disorder, smoking cessation, anorexia, and end-of-life anxiety. It is essential to consider the safety and possible side effects of psilocybin therapy, as well as who may benefit from it and who should avoid it. 

It may help treat major depression, alcohol use disorder, smoking cessation, anorexia and end-of-life anxiety 

Psilocybin therapy may help treat major depression, alcohol use disorder, smoking cessation, anorexia, and end-of-life anxiety. Research indicates that it has shown promising results in offering relief for individuals suffering from these conditions. Patients with major depression have experienced a reduction in symptoms and an improved outlook on life after psilocybin therapy. 

Safety and potential side effects of psilocybin therapy 

Psilocybin therapy, when administered in controlled settings and under the guidance of trained professionals, has shown promising safety profiles. Possible side effects include anxiety, paranoia, and a rare risk of psychotic episodes among susceptible individuals. 

It is crucial to note that psilocybin therapy should be avoided by individuals with a history of psychosis or schizophrenia due to the potential worsening of these conditions. 

Furthermore, healthcare providers must conduct thorough screenings to identify individuals at risk for adverse reactions. By ensuring proper patient selection and stringent safety protocols, the potential dangers associated with psilocybin therapy can be effectively managed, paving the way for its safe integration into mental health treatment frameworks. 

Who may benefit from psilocybin therapy, and who should avoid it 

After understanding the safety and potential side effects of psilocybin therapy, it’s crucial to consider who may benefit from this treatment. Individuals with treatment-resistant depression, anxiety related to life-threatening illness, or those struggling with alcohol use disorder might find relief through psilocybin therapy. 

However, individuals with a history of psychosis or certain psychiatric conditions should avoid psilocybin therapy due to the potential for exacerbating these conditions. 

Psilocybin therapy can be particularly beneficial for those seeking alternative treatments when traditional methods have been ineffective. On the other hand, individuals with a personal or family history of psychotic disorders are cautioned against pursuing this form of therapy due to increased risk factors. 


In conclusion, psilocybin therapy shows promise for treating mental health disorders. It may offer relief to individuals struggling with depression, addiction, and anxiety. Research indicates it could be a valuable addition to mental health treatment options. 

Further studies are needed to explore its full potential and ensure safe and effective use. 


1. What is psilocybin-assisted therapy? 

Psilocybin-assisted therapy is a treatment where doctors use psilocybin, a natural psychedelic substance, to help people with mental health issues. 

2. Can psilocybin therapy help treat addiction? 

Yes, research shows that psilocybin treatment has the potential to help individuals overcome addiction and support their journey towards recovery. 

3. How does psilocybin affect mental health? 

Psilocybin can change consciousness and may improve mental well-being when used in controlled settings alongside professional psychedelic therapy. 

4. Is there research to support the benefits of psilocybin for mental health? 

Absolutely! Consciousness research continues to explore how psychedelics like psilocybin could transform mental health treatment and show promising results.