Posted in Marijuana

How THC use affects driving by Impairing Your Brain!

The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC. In full, this is Tetrahydrocannabinol. This psychoactive compound has a dramatic effect on two important systems of the body. These are the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the muscular system. Due to these effects, THC can pose a major risk on your capability to drive. Driving under the influence of THC increases your chances of crashing. Read on to discover more on How THC use affects driving. 

How THC acts within your body 

One you consume THC, it affects your body in numerous ways: 

  • The brain and Central Nervous System (CNS): THC acts directly upon the neural pathways in your brain. This psychoactive chemical changes your information-processing mode. As such, your capability to make proper judgment is impaired. This chemical also adjusts how you process information. This is because it slows down the performance of your hippocampus. This prevents you from accessing old memories. It also impairs your ability to make new ones. Due to this effect, you can have trouble remembering road regulations as you drive. This can prove fatal. 
  • The amygdala: Depression mainly affects this section of the brain. THC can stimulate this part and heighten the symptoms of depression. This can cause you to become withdrawn and even contemplate suicide. This revelation of How THC use affects driving can be very dangerous when you are driving.  
  • Your eyes: THC causes blood vessels to dilate. This results in red, dry eyes. You need a clear, uninterrupted vision while driving. Therefore, it can impair this ability for you. With difficult vision, you can end up causing an accident by missing important elements on the road ahead.  
  • The hypothalamic axis: This is a combination of sections within your brain. They include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and amygdala. Together, they control anxiety levels. THC reduces the efficacy of these sections in your brain. As a result, your ability to experience anxiety heightens. This can result in panic attacks.  Should this happen as you drive, it can result in a panic attack and a grisly accident.  
  • Nervous system: THC is psychoactive in nature. This means that it affects the nervous system. It can cause a delay in the firing and reception of messages in the nervous network. This can cause significant delays in executing commands from your brain to the muscle systems. This delay causes a slow reaction time. This can be very dangerous when you are driving because you may end up involved in an accident. Check out Shroom Hub Canada for an alternative.
  • Cough: Consuming THC can cause you to experience a throaty, consistent cough. This can prove dangerous when you are driving. That is because it distracts you from the road ahead.  


THC is the major compound in marijuana. It has numerous effects on the body. They are explained above. They reveal How THC use affects driving. 

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